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Link Between Gambling And Depression

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May 22, 2015

  1. Link Between Gaming And Depression
  2. Link Between Gaming And Depression

There is a strong link between problem gambling and mental health problems. Nearly three out of four people with a gambling problem are at risk of developing depression.1Gambling can also be a sign that a person already has a mental health problem and may need help. Study links pathological gaming to depression, anxiety in kids Iowa State professor says research shows 'hints of causality' between problem gaming and mental health issues; ESA decries study as. The theme for 2017's World Health Day is 'Depression: Let's Talk.' While people may not initially associate gambling with depression, many compulsive gamblers also suffer from mental health issues. As described by WHO, 'Depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. It causes mental anguish. The study involved data from 878 participants that answered questions about gambling and depression when they were 17, 23 and 28 years old. Growing more severe over time, 73% of the participants who reported having problems with gambling were also living with depression that appears to have developed with the chronic gambling, according to the.


Addiction comes in a number of forms and some of the hardest addictions to recover from do not involve drugs or alcohol. Gambling addiction plagues many American families; people who suffer from it face problems at work, school and home. New research suggests that young men who gamble chronically often suffer from depression, Medical News Today reports.

Researchers at the University of Quebec at Montreal in Canada conducted the first study to observe how often gambling and depression occurs together in young men in their teens through to their 20s. Frédéric Dussault and colleagues used data from a study that started in 1984 and is still active. The study involved data from 878 participants that answered questions about gambling and depression when they were 17, 23 and 28 years old.

Link Between Gaming And Depression

Growing more severe over time, 73% of the participants who reported having problems with gambling were also living with depression that appears to have developed with the chronic gambling, according to the article. The researchers found that the problems did not seem to diminish with age, but worsened.

'Gambling problems may be more a personal problem similar to an addiction: once acquired, they are difficult to get rid of,' said Dussault.

The researchers determined that boys who showed signs of high impulsivity tend to become gamblers as they age. What's more, another group of researchers at the University of Missouri say more than 1.6 million US college-age adults meet the criteria for problem gambling.

Link Between Gaming And Depression

Black oak casino rv park ca. People seeking treatment for problem gambling should address their depression (when present). Treating both disorders at the same time will better ensure a successful recovery.

The findings were published in the Journal of Gambling Studies.

Link Between Gambling And Depression

Addiction comes in a number of forms and some of the hardest addictions to recover from do not involve drugs or alcohol. Gambling addiction plagues many American families; people who suffer from it face problems at work, school and home. New research suggests that young men who gamble chronically often suffer from depression, Medical News Today reports.

Researchers at the University of Quebec at Montreal in Canada conducted the first study to observe how often gambling and depression occurs together in young men in their teens through to their 20s. Frédéric Dussault and colleagues used data from a study that started in 1984 and is still active. The study involved data from 878 participants that answered questions about gambling and depression when they were 17, 23 and 28 years old.

Link Between Gaming And Depression

Growing more severe over time, 73% of the participants who reported having problems with gambling were also living with depression that appears to have developed with the chronic gambling, according to the article. The researchers found that the problems did not seem to diminish with age, but worsened.

'Gambling problems may be more a personal problem similar to an addiction: once acquired, they are difficult to get rid of,' said Dussault.

The researchers determined that boys who showed signs of high impulsivity tend to become gamblers as they age. What's more, another group of researchers at the University of Missouri say more than 1.6 million US college-age adults meet the criteria for problem gambling.

Link Between Gaming And Depression

Black oak casino rv park ca. People seeking treatment for problem gambling should address their depression (when present). Treating both disorders at the same time will better ensure a successful recovery.

The findings were published in the Journal of Gambling Studies.

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